Cartridge OAL chart from Sierra Bullets. Cartridge overall length can be tailored to a specific firearm to get the best accuracy. If your gun was made with a short throat from the manufacturer or with a long throat, or if the throat has been elongated because of wear, the cartridge OAL can be adjusted to [...]
Remington 788 Trigger Mounting Stud Repair
Receiver with trigger mounting stud broken off The Remington 788 was produced as an economy rifle to give Remington a rifle to compete with the more inexpensive rifles that other gun manufacturers were producing. As it turns out, what was intended to be a rifle for working people has become a rifle that has a [...]
Rehabilitation Of a Crusty Old Muzzleloading Shotgun
Cleaning up an old muzzleloading shotgun can be quite successful when the gun is rusted and crusty but not pitted. Sometimes it is hard to tell how bad they are until they are cleaned up some. So, unless the gun is obviously rusted with pitting, it can be worth the time to clean them up. [...]
Re-barreling Rifles, Considerations and Process.
There are several reasons for re-barreling a rifle. This article will look at some of the reasons you might want to re-barrel a rifle as well as considerations for the choice of a new barrel, and the process involved in putting a new barrel on a rifle. Reasons for Re-barreling One of the most obvious [...]
Shortening Shotgun Barrels
JC Higgins Model 20 Shortened to 20 In. From time to time, we get a shotgun brought into the shop that the owner wants to have the barrel shortened on. There are different reasons for having this done. shortening a shotgun barrel certainly makes a shotgun easier to manage in tight places and is preferable [...]
The Mysteries of Headspace in Firearms
Headspace Gauges Headspace can loosely be defined as the distance between the closed and locked breech face of a firearm and the point where the cartridge case touches the chamber. On a Bottle neck cartridge case this would be a certain point on the shoulder of the cartridge case. Belted cartridges would normally headspace on [...]
Re- bluing the 1894 Winchester
1894 Winchester Receiver after being polished The 1894 Winchester is one of the easiest guns to carry because the balance of the gun is right around the receiver. Over time, many of these guns have the bluing worn and even small pits in the receiver just because they have been carried with our hand wrapped [...]
It’s Time to Get Ready for Turkey Hunting
Photo by ASHISH SHARMA on The days are getting warmer, things are greening up, and turkey hunting fever is not too far away. It is time to check your turkey calls, gun and ammunition supply. Maybe a new call is in the plans for this season. Getting everything ready now will make that opening [...]
Muzzle loading Propellants and Bullets for Inline Rifles Part 2
Scorpion 240Gr. Bullets and Sabots Scorpion 240 Gr. Bullets With Triple Seven Powder The next combination that we tested was Scorpion 240 Gr. Bullets over 80 Gr. of Triple Seven Powder. This combination had an average velocity of 1648 Fps. This is from the same rifle used in the first test. The barrel was swabbed [...]
Muzzleloading Propellants And Bullets For Inline Rifles
Muzzleloading Bullets Muzzleloading Propellants Now that most of the muzzleloading deer seasons are over, it is a good time to see what some of the different propellants and bullets will do. Finding the best combinations now will give you time to sort out and then practice with the best load. With all of the choices [...]